Reporting from a
progressive perspective

About Me

I’m an award-winning Brooklyn, NY based journalist who writes about domestic social issues, movements for social change, books and socially-conscious art. My work is available on Truthout, The ProgressiveLilith Magazine and blog, the LA Review of BooksFiction Writers Review and other online and print publications.

I grew up Bridgeport, Connecticut, in the decades after the city’s heyday, but left “the park city” after receiving a full-tuition scholarship to New York University where I majored in journalism and urban studies. While at NYU I had the good fortune to intern at the Metropolitan Council on Housing. It was there that I learned about community organizing. Legendary activists including Jane Benedict, Esther Rand, and Bess Stevenson were patient teachers and I was given an immersive crash-course in social justice activism. Post college, I used these lessons as a VISTA volunteer working with low-income New Yorkers. A Master’s degree in social work followed. Several years after earning my MSW, while working as a reproductive justice organizer, I shifted gears and once more began writing. It was an acknowledgement of the fact that I was better suited to reporting about social issues than I was at doing the dogged day-to-day work of coordinating campaigns for justice. Since then, I’ve been devoted to writing about the needs of the disenfranchised, and believe, as many reporters have stated, that the purpose of journalism is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

Award-winning Reporting


Project Censored: Censored 2015

Stoking Fire: How News Outlets, Prosecutors, Minimize Sexual Violence with Language


2006 IPPY Award: Independent Press Assn.

Sisterhood is Local: Offering Women an Abortion Haven


25th Annual Susan B. Anthony Award

Special Citation for Excellence in Reviewing from Library Journal, 2000.




Book: Targets of Hatred

Co-author, with Patricia Baird-Windle
Palgrave/St. Martin’s Press, 2001

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